Visiting African Children’s Choir 2016

Education is Vital

As I write this we are about 60 days from our departure on our Travel Nursing trip. Our goal during our travels is to raise awareness on how education is vital to pulling countries out of poverty. With this purpose in mind, we are focused on raising money to support the children and families in Ruhija Uganda.
Here are some statistics provided by Rotary Magazine last year in March & November. I have seen first-hand how Rotary helps communities, including the McMinnville Rotary Clubs in our city. It’s been a blessing being a Rotarian for the last 5 years, because it has helped me to see that we are not alone and that there are organizations such as Rotary helping the world to be a better place.


Only 1 in 4 Ugandan Adolescents are enrolled in Secondary Education
53 Percentage of 10-year olds in low-and middle income countries are unable to read and understand a short age-appropriate text.
100 Million + number of additional children who will fall below the minimum proficiency level in reading as a result of the pandemic.
At Least 6% reduction in girls’ likelihood of marrying before age 18 for each additional year of secondary education.
10 Trillion Estimated loss in earnings that this generation of students may face because of the pandemic.

Here is what is on the Agenda when traveling to new communities

1. Get plugged into each community
2. Ask what is needed instead of offering to do specific tasks.
3. Put a smile on everything you do!

Success through Sponsorship

Our hope is by serving and helping others as we go while showing the success of our programs, we will be able to open peoples hearts to provide sponsorship for the children to go to secondary school in Ruhija Uganda. We want others to have the feeling we have experienced in providing a child an education and purpose in the hope that it will improve the communities they live in.

Ruhija, Uganda Primary School in 2016