Meet Lynda
& Kevin

We are happy you clicked on here to get to know us.

Let us share a little about us so you can have a little of the backstory into our new adventure.

Celebrating the love
in Greece on Valentine’s Day
Three of us
My name is Kevin and my beautiful wife Lynda is the star in this new adventure for us. We have a 20 year old son in his second year of college with a major in mechanical engineering.

She says he gets his smarts from her and who am I to deny that.

Our Story

Well, onto our story. Both Lynda and I are native Californians. Lynda grew up in Napa Valley California in a little town called Angwin and I grew up in Southern California in a city called San Juan Capistrano. Lynda has always been an adventure seeker and has traveled the world for the last 30 years.

My only travel outside the country up until 1999 was to head south of the border into Mexico. Her love of travel was one of the biggest things that attracted me to her.

How did we meet you might ask?

Would you believe we met on a Blind Date? We were fortunate to have two close friends of ours that felt we would be a good fit for each other. It was love at first site and soon after dating, we took our first trip together to Italy and have been traveling ever since.

Shortly after we got married in Greece in 2001, we were blessed with a son who has been with us on all of our adventures, including our “Around the World” trip from 2015/2016.

Lynda visiting Antarctic Circle early 1990’s
Wedding day June 1st 2001-Santorini Greece

So, did I pique your interest about our Around the World Trip?

I hope so because that is what changed our lives, and with the Pandemic going on, put everything in motion for this new adventure.

Lynda, my son Matthew and I left in 2015 for a trip “Around the World”. We started in South America and we ended it in Iceland.

I might share in the future some of our adventures as it relates to our upcoming travel. We spent over 14 months and visited 37 countries with places mostly people only read about.

We like to go to places rarely traveled and we really love to hike.

The three of us in Sukothai- Former Capital of Thailand

Here is the list of countries below we visited in order: Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Nepal, Dubai, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Germany, Kenya, Namibia, Botswana, Uganda, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland.

Meet Lynda!

There is no one I personally know that has traveled as much as she has. She has been to all 7 continents and has traveled over 80 countries.
Her favorite word is Free and there is not a museum or artifact that she will miss when traveling. We have even missed planes due to this issue.
She has been a Nurse for over 38 years and is great at assessing people.
She loves to hike and if you ask her where her favorite place she has visited is she will tell you the place she hasn’t been.
Lynda planned our “Around the World Trip” on places to go. She is an encyclopedia of knowledge about traveling.
She is deeply rooted in her Christian Faith and always wants to help others in need. Specifically 30 children going to secondary school in a village named Ruhija in Uganda.
She always wants to take a picture wherever we are and at times we even stop traffic for her pics.

Meet Kevin!

I love to travel, but where I am different from Lynda is I do not have to see every museum. It’s not like I do not want to see every museum, but there are other things that can take the place, like a cooking class. Food is usually my topic when traveling to a new country.

One of my favorite things to do is eat street food. Some of the best meals we had while traveling was right off the street and luckily we did not get sick the entire time.

Wherever Lynda wants to go I will go with some exceptions, like going deep down into a Cave. Did I mention that I am claustrophobic?

I also like to hike as well and there is always a little friendly give and take when it comes to who is the better hiker. Just ask my son….

My favorite country is the first one I ever went to, Italy in 1999. After coming back, I did not want to eat Pizza in the USA for almost a year because I became a Pizza snob.

On our trip around the world I was in charge of logistics. I got us from point A to point B. I left most of the planning to Lynda except I did plan our trip to Everest Base Camp since that was on my Bucket List, but then again, I also planned a month long driving trip in a Motor home from Melbourne to Cairns.

Ask my son about that as he sat in the back for 30 days, not so good. I usually leave the planning up to Lynda most times because she has a definite opinion on things.

Funny travel story:

Once on a train in India, I got off to get us food in the morning and the train started leaving the station. I had no passport, very little money and I attempted to jump onto our moving train. It didn’t go like you see in the movies and I still have the holes in my jeans to prove it.


I have had the privilege of pursuing two distinct careers throughout my life. Initially, I embarked on a journey as a Computer Network Engineer, dedicating my skills and expertise to this field. However, for the past 21 years, I have immersed myself in the  Real Estate and Finance sector.

In addition to my career I have been an active member of the Rotary Club of McMinnville since 2017. Initially drawn to the club to connect with the vibrant community of McMinnville, our charming city, I soon discovered the broader scope of Rotary International. This global organization has played a pivotal role in supporting our endeavors, particularly in assisting young girls in Uganda to access education. It has been a remarkable and rewarding journey, witnessing firsthand the impact Rotary International has on lives around the world

Join us for the ride. We hope you enjoy our journey!